Corporate documents

Equality and diversity

Gender pay gap report 2024

Executive pay

In compliance with the Academy Trust Handbook, the following tables summarise the
number of employees whose benefits exceed £100k per annum, in bandings of £10k, for the last two financial years. Benefits for this purpose include salary, employers’ pension contributions, other taxable benefits and termination payments.

Year ending 31 August 2024

Band (gross pay)Number of employees
£100,001 to £110,0004
£110,001 to £120,0009
£120,001 to £130,0003
£130,001 to £140,0001
£140,001 to £150,0000
£150,001 to £160,0001
£160,001 to £170,0002
£180,000 to £200,0001

Apprenticeship scheme

Apprenticeship levy report 2023-2024

Financial accounts

Freedom of information