Education is the most significant lever of change – and increasing the social mobility of all our children and young people is routed in our mission, from early years to post 16 and beyond into adulthood.
The needs and expectations of employers are evolving at pace as they grapple technological advancements, set to a backdrop of a highly competitive global marketplace. Our children and young people’s futures will be aspirational and prepare them to adapt and respond to some of the biggest generational and global challenges of today.
Our focus is to provide the best possible curriculum within our available resources and to enable our children and young people to take advantage of every opportunity they can. We must prepare them for the world they will encounter in the years to come and ensure they can look outwards with positivity and the necessary skills to succeed.
Whilst we will not lose sight of young people’s outcomes, we will significantly broaden the definition of success to beyond the current narrow performance measures – and include the role and impact we have within our communities.
Together, we will draw on research and devise innovative strategies to enhance practice across all settings. Our shared aims will drive our collective efforts to deliver consistently within all our academies.