Our approach to safeguarding
Safeguarding and child protection is of the highest priority to our Trust – and it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the safety and welfare of all our children and young people.
We have a dedicated strategic lead who works with designated safeguarding leads (DSLs) in all academies to work with leadership teams, governors and trustees to quality assure, advise and develop the highest standards of culture and compliance across our academies and throughout the organisation.
High quality professional development is provided for all staff through our training supplier, The National College, with regular updates based on emerging issues and threats. As a result, our required training exceeds the statutory requirements. Our strategic lead monitors and reviews safeguarding concerns to ensure consistency of approach and to ensure that we are always striving to improve our practice.
Compliancy and the safeguarding culture of our academies are tested through focused reviews including the annual Academy Improvement Review. Feedback is provided to senior leaders and the executive team, with identified areas for further development and any additional training or targeted support required. These processes are also used to identify and build on best practice. Importantly, this process ensures that leaders are responding to the contextual safeguarding concerns of each school community beyond that statutorily required.
Statutory requirements are checked as part of these processes including the use of our recording system (My Concern) and application of the agreed safeguarding policy and practice.