A critical reflection ‘on the effectiveness of middle leadership, in a small-scale context, when making sustainable curriculum changes to a primary school’s maths curriculum’ is the subject of a recent study conducted by Rebekah Gear (Hillocks Primary) – and which has been published in the Education Sciences journal special issue ‘Leadership of/in Early Years — Primary Education Sector: An International Perspective’.
The paper was developed collaboratively with Dr Krishan Sood and inspired by best practice happening in Hillocks Primary Academy.
You can read the article in full online or download the PDF below, which concludes that if middle leaders are to be successful they must become more strategic, and therefore must both find and develop systems that assist them to be located on the ‘balcony’ rather than only the ‘dance floor.’ Rebekah has since been rewarded the ‘close-to-practice research’ grant from Nottingham Trent University, which will support her to continue research in this area, on a larger scale.
If you are interested in conducting research and the possibility of publication, Rebekah is on the executive committee for Association for the Study of Primary Education (ASPE). ASPE offers both practical support and funding possibilities to primary practitioners interested in conducting and publishing research. Their monthly research bulletin showcases examples of these research projects in action.
Any colleagues interested in either exploring this topic further or putting together a piece of research for an ASPE Bulletin are invited to drop Rebekah a line at rgear@hillocksprimary-ac.org.uk.