Mike, an experienced governor, is a trustee of Diverse Academies Trust and the chair of the Trust Board. Prior to his appointment as chair in 2019, he was chair of governors at Retford Oaks Academy from 2014.
Mike has over 35 years experience as a governor in both primary and secondary education. He has also spent some time working in the education sector in a non-teaching role. Mike is retired company director and senior manager, having worked in subsidiaries of Imperial Group, BAT, Norsk Hydro and Stadium. He has also served as a non-executive director in the NHS and as a local councillor for over 20 years, including time as vice chairman of the Police Authority and recently as a member of the Fire Authority.
Mike is involved in a number of local charities including being chairman of trustees at Bassetlaw Hospice and Retford Educational Foundation. Mike ran his own consultancy for a number of years, working both in the public and private sectors including local government, the Audit Commission and Planning Advisory Service.