Proposed changes for September 2026-27 admissions

Diverse Academies Trust (a Multi Academy Trust) operates as the admission authority for the academies within the Trust. The Board of Trustees for Diverse Academies Trust, has retained the vast majority of admissions procedures outlined by the Schools Admission Code 2021. As the admission authority, it must conduct its own consultation process on any proposed changes. 

Details of the proposed changes can be found below.

Key dates

  • Consultation opens – 11 November 2024 
  • Consultation closes – midday, 22 December 2024
  • Trustees consider any representations made and make final decision – 29 January 2025 
  • Deadline for admission arrangements to be determined – 28 February 2025 
  • Deadline for admission authorities to send a copy of their full determined admission arrangements to their local authority and publish those arrangements on the schools website  – 15 March 2025

Changes being consulted upon for the 2026-27 academic year

Diverse Academies Trust has an overarching admission policy which sets out our arrangements for the admitting year. In addition to this, each academy within the Trust has its own academy appendix which sets out the oversubscription criteria and the Published Admission Number (PAN) for Reception, Year 7 and Year 12 (as appropriate).


You can find a full copy of the proposed admissions policy and academy local appendices below. If you require a paper copy of any of these policy, please email: 


Trust policy

Diverse Academies Trust – admissions policy

In 2026/27, there are no proposed changes to the overarching policy.


Policy changes (for information only – not for consultation)

Admission policies for all our academies for 2025/26 and 2026/27 have been amended in line with the DfE Schools Admission Code 2021.

These include:

  • Waiting lists. Where there have been more applications than places available, waiting lists will be held until 31 May in each of our secondary and primary academies (previously 31 December)
  • Admission appeals. When an admission application has been refused, appeals for places to Walton Academy, Grantham (Lincolnshire County Council) are to be sent directly to the academy (see academy website for information).

Consultation proposed changes are to have the same oversubscription criteria for each academy listed below:


Bracken Lane Primary Academy (in Retford)

Proposed changes – change to the oversubscription criteria. Bracken Lane Primary Academy appendix


Hillocks Primary Academy (in Kirby–in–Ashfield)
Proposed changes – change to the oversubscription criteria. Hillocks Primary Academy appendix


Samuel Barlow Primary Academy (in Clipstone)
Proposed changes – change to the oversubscription criteria. Samuel Barlow Primary Academy appendix


Thrumpton Primary Academy (in Retford)
Proposed changes – change to the oversubscription criteria. Thrumpton Primary Academy appendix


Tuxford Primary Academy
Proposed changes – change to the oversubscription criteria. Tuxford Primary Academy appendix


Wainwright Primary Academy (in Mansfield)
Proposed changes – change to the oversubscription criteria. Wainwright Primary Academy appendix


Diverse Academies Trust is opening a free school in September 2025. Thoresby Vale Primary Academy’s admission arrangements have been consulted on for 2025/26 academic year. Thoresby Vale Primary Academy appendix

Consultation proposed changes for secondary academies within the Trust:


East Leake Academy

  1. Oversubscription criteria in Year 7 is changing in line with the Trust’s other academies.
  2. Post 16 (Year 12) oversubscription is changing in line with the Trust’s other academies.

East Leake Academy appendix


Queen Elizabeth’s Academy (in Mansfield) will amend its oversubscription criteria in line with our secondary academies but will continue to have an unchanged faith criterion. A supplementary admissions form needs completing in addition to the local authority’s application form for applicants who wish church commitment to be taken into consideration as part of their application. Queen Elizabeth Academy appendix

Supplementary admission form


Retford Oaks Academy

  1. Oversubscription criteria in Year 7 is changing in line with the Trust’s other academies.
  2. Post 16 (Year 12) oversubscription is changing in line with the Trust’s other academies.
  3. In addition, the academy is introducing a catchment area.

The introduction of a catchment areas for Retford Oaks Academy does not prevent parents who live outside the catchment area of this, or any school, or even outside Nottinghamshire, from expressing a preference for that school. Retford Oaks Academy appendix


The Holgate Academy (in Hucknall)

  1. Oversubscription criteria in Year 7 is changing in line with the Trust’s other academies.
  2. Post 16 (Year 12) oversubscription is changing in line with the Trust’s other academies.
  3. In addition to the oversubscription criteria change, the academy is introducing a catchment area.

The introduction of catchment areas for The Holgate Academy does not prevent parents who live outside the catchment area of this, or any school, or even outside Nottinghamshire, from expressing a preference for that school. The Holgate Academy appendix


Tuxford Academy

  1. Oversubscription criteria in Year 7 is changing in line with the Trust’s other academies.
  2. Post 16 (Year 12) oversubscription is changing in line with the Trust’s other academies.
  3. The academy is also slightly changing its catchment area to the south of its existing catchment area. Tuxford Academy appendix


Walton Academy (in Grantham).

No changes. Walton Academy appendix

Comments and representations on the proposals

Please note that that for this consultation process it is only the areas listed above where comments are sought. However, both the Trust and the individual academies would welcome views on all areas within the admissions policy for future consideration. 

Please indicate clearly in the comments, your role within the community from the list below: 

  • Acting on behalf of a Local Authority (Please indicate which Local Authority).
  • Acting on behalf of an Admissions Authority (Please indicate which Admissions Authority).
  • Teacher / Governor of a local school. 
  • Parent at one of the academies within the Trust.
  • Parent from a school/academy that is not within Diverse Academies Trust.
  • Other local community stakeholder.

You can share your comments on the proposal using one of the options below:


Anonymous comments and representations will not be accepted.

What happens after the consultation closes?

All responses received will be considered. Trustees make a decision on behalf of Diverse Academies Trust taking into account a range of information, including the consultation responses. They will do this based on representations that are most suitable according to the local circumstances.